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Showing posts from April, 2018

Gymnast Mom

I don’t even know where ta START! All week I’ve been trying to find a blog topic, find a vlog topic, and to just have a moment to work! I need to post my next giveaway. I need to complete the last one, shoot! (Fredericka I got you girl) But I also have to *clears throat* go grocery shopping, prepare hair orders, get Dixon together for her field trip, wash my own hair, do laundry (clothes are overrated), feed my kids so they won’t die, and keep Harper alive in general. And I work 10 hours at night three nights a week. At night. Like while y’all are sleeping. A ninja is TIRED. I’d love to gracefully dance through life. All in all I don’t like to complain. I don’t want help. I don’t even want my circumstances to change. (Except the circumstance of my bank account... I accept cash, good checks, and cash app transfers thank you) I just like to have my ducks in a row and quacking on time you feel me? Times like this I remind myself the lord doesn’t give you more than you can bear. But right ...

Short Story Time: A Day at the Park

It’s 83 degrees outside without a cloud in sight. I went to pick up Dixon, like I do every day. I was there for about 15 minutes before I grew suspicious. Usually the bus is there by 3:30. There were no other parents outside either. Growing nervous, I called the school. “What’s your daughter’s bus number?” “I don’t know her bus number,” I replied shamefully. “Well if it was bus 11- they just left.” “If I don’t know her bus number that’s not really telling me anything.” I said aggravated. “What’s your child’s name?” “Dixon ________.” I replied. “They just left- they’ll be 30 minutes late.” “Great, thank you.” I mumbled.   I decided to take the clan to the park. We grabbed some ice cream from Chick-fil-a where I had to threaten Harper a couple of times that he wouldn’t get any. The glorious angel of a cashier gave me a thousand napkins and wet wipes when he saw the kids. He needs a raise.  At the park, I parked the car where I could see the kids. They ran off to play and...

What I've Learned As A Mom

For the record, I am writing this blog after being completely and utterly inspired by BeyoncĂ©'s Coachella's performance. Why? She's a mom of 3. Let that sink in. Say less. And yes it is still playing in the background. For the third time. Let's start. I want to share some nuggets with you all. What I have learned as a mom! I've been a mom for 7 years. So at this point, on any job, 7 years pretty much makes you a vet. Not to mention I have THREE kids. So I'd like to think that I have some wisdom. Every time my grandmother tells me something I already know, I say "I know, I have three kids." lol Being a mom is tough. And sometimes we have unrealistic expectations. And that literally never changes. Like everything else it's a continuous process. #1 You will lose your temper      Yes you. You will lose your temper. Kids are a bunch of uncontrollable tiny humans. We literally cannot control them. You can teach them. You can guide them. Yo...

It happened. She bit me.

I am a part of a breastfeeding group on Facebook and being the proactive person I am... I asked about this... before it happened. Logan is a very calm and quiet baby. So when she started turning into Tina Turnup these past two weeks, I knew something was going on. More like something growing in. Using my best mommy instincts, I did an oral exam- and sure enough... there they were. Two little white shadows in her swollen gums. Teef. Now Logan has already been gumming my nipples for the past 7 months. And it’s not documented anywhere but I think baby gums are made of vibranium. I’ve read commentary in our group about how you’re supposed to pull the baby closer to you when they do that. But I’m like bruh are you serious? It’s taking everything in me to control my reflexes and not throw this child across the room. Especially when she catches me off guard. I know that makes you supermons probably cringe. But you’re just going to have to judge me today. We are at the point now where the teet...