It’s 83 degrees outside without a cloud in sight. I went to pick up Dixon, like I do every day. I was there for about 15 minutes before I grew suspicious. Usually the bus is there by 3:30. There were no other parents outside either. Growing nervous, I called the school. “What’s your daughter’s bus number?” “I don’t know her bus number,” I replied shamefully. “Well if it was bus 11- they just left.” “If I don’t know her bus number that’s not really telling me anything.” I said aggravated. “What’s your child’s name?” “Dixon ________.” I replied. “They just left- they’ll be 30 minutes late.” “Great, thank you.” I mumbled.
I decided to take the clan to the park. We grabbed some ice cream from Chick-fil-a where I had to threaten Harper a couple of times that he wouldn’t get any. The glorious angel of a cashier gave me a thousand napkins and wet wipes when he saw the kids. He needs a raise.
At the park, I parked the car where I could see the kids. They ran off to play and I put Logan in the front seat with me. She smelled interesting. I turned her but over to find the evidence. Yep. Leaky pooh. No more CVS brand diapers for us. I changed her and we played while I watched the kids in my peripheral. They were on the seesaw. Both of them on one side, a little girl on the other. It made me proud to see them sharing and sticking together around other people. *HONK* Logan was pressing up against the horn. I started playing with her to keep her occupied. Out of my peripheral I saw some more girls go over toward them. I instantly got defensive. They bet not be trying to make them get off. Then I saw Dixon and Harper run off playing with the girls. Cool.
A while later Harper came over to the car. “I need water!” His little cheeks were pink. When I was a kid I got overheated easily. He is definitely my child. “Go get Dixon!” I said. He ran off. After it took him a while to come back I walked over. I didn’t want to embarrass them because I didn’t brush my weave and I had on some short shorts and Nike flip flops with Logan on my hip. Whatever. “Dixon! Harper! Come on!” They came running over. Dixon was fussing at Harper. “I told you that you were going to fall!” She said making a hand clapping motion and doing the ‘what are those’ hand gesture. “I’m so mad at Dixon!” Harper said. Then it occurred to me that when I walked over there, Dixon was sitting on a barrel with a girl and Harper was on the ground. So he fell. And she didn’t help him. “Dixon I don’t like the way you’re acting. This is your brother before anything or anyone. I don’t care who you make friends with, your brother comes first.” “I made new friends.” She said. “And that’s great. But you knew your brother wanted to get up there with you. And instead of helping him you made fun of him for being too small- in front of your new friends. How do you think that makes him feel?” I asked. “Left out.” She dropped her head. “I’ll never do that to my brother again...” I looked at Harper. “I’m sorry.” Dixon said. “What do you say Harper?” I asked “I’m so mad at Dixon!” He repeated! “I said sorry!” Dixon pleaded. “Harper she said she was sorry. So what do you say?” Harper looked at me annoyed. “I don’t know.” “You say it’s okay...” I said. “It’s okay.” He forgave her and then we went home. ππ
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