I am a part of a breastfeeding group on Facebook and being the proactive person I am... I asked about this... before it happened. Logan is a very calm and quiet baby. So when she started turning into Tina Turnup these past two weeks, I knew something was going on. More like something growing in. Using my best mommy instincts, I did an oral exam- and sure enough... there they were. Two little white shadows in her swollen gums. Teef. Now Logan has already been gumming my nipples for the past 7 months. And it’s not documented anywhere but I think baby gums are made of vibranium. I’ve read commentary in our group about how you’re supposed to pull the baby closer to you when they do that. But I’m like bruh are you serious? It’s taking everything in me to control my reflexes and not throw this child across the room. Especially when she catches me off guard. I know that makes you supermons probably cringe. But you’re just going to have to judge me today. We are at the point now where the teeth have cut through her gums. And if I’m not mistaken several people in my group said that “gumming was worse than biting” and you should just “nurse through it”. Did you read that in an obnoxious tone? Because I did when they said it. I know they meant well but I felt like I was getting advice from Dr. Lipschitz. You know... from Rugrats? Nevertheless, I trusted this sisterhood and their advice and I’ve continued nursing. But whoever told me that it wouldn’t hurt must have nipples that need to go in the Smithsonian because they were a GOD DANG lie! This little girl bit me today and my brain went through so much confusion. I hollered! I looked for blood. I looked at her like “was that you or a stapler because I was SURE somebody had stapled my nipple.” And I guess my holler scared her because she bout jumped out her skin too. And now we’re both rethinking our whole relationship. I do want to continue breastfeeding until she’s one. But Ms. Logan is going to have to be bottle fed because right now I trust my pump more than I trust her.
Whew chile. It's been a while and honestly I wouldn't even blog half the stuff that's happened over this past year. Just know the title of this blog is TRANSITIONS. Since I last blogged I've lived three different places - including where we are now. Thankfully, all of those places were real homes. All I can say is GOD IS GOOD. It all started with me getting a phone call about free daycare. FREE. For my youngest two children. This wasn't CAPS, this was a grant from the daycare that Dixon USED to go to. My godmom had already told me about the grant months ago, but it wasn't available at the time. But here they were, bringing free childcare to me. You can't tell me that wasn't God. With that I was able to go back to work comfortably. Without having to figure out where my kids would go. And just like that we started getting back into our normal routine. Once I was back at work and my kids were on the grant for daycare, I went through a time of self re...