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The picture to the left was taken this morning. It was Sunday morning and I had already decided that we were not going to make church. However, I streamed it live as I made breakfast- pancakes. I turned to see what Harper was watching on TV. "Harper why are you watching the Spanish channel?" I asked. "Because I want to learn Spanish." He answered matter-of-factually. I shrugged and continued what I was doing.

Shortly thereafter, Logan came strolling into the living room. "That's Jesus!" Harper told Logan. Up to that point I honestly didn't know what cartoon he was watching. I turned around for confirmation, and there He was, talking to a group of people on the television screen. "JESUS!" Logan repeated excitedly. It wasn't long before Dixon joined the group.

A few minutes later, I turned around again from cooking to check on them. Satan was on the screen. "That's the devil." I advised. "Is he still alive?" Harper asked. "Yes, he is. He lives in Hell." I nodded. "Wait- can we say that word?" He asked sincerely. "Yes," I advised again, "it's a place. You just can't say 'go to Hell' or 'what the Hell'. "I'm not going to Hell!" Harper proclaimed. "Right, you're not going to Hell because one day you're going to accept Jesus into your heart. I'm not going to make you do it. But if God tells you it's a good time, and you're ready, then you can accept Him into your heart. Your sister did it last year because she decided it was something she wanted to do."

He thought for less than a minute.

"I think I'm ready now."

Dixon rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Don't be like that! Harper is very smart. I think he understands."

I talked to him for a couple of minutes to make sure that he did understand and that it was a decision he wanted to make. I wanted him to know that it was his decision and nobody else's. We looked for my Bible Promise Book because I wanted to read him some scriptures- but we couldn't find it. "Mom, I think God is telling me that I should get you another Bible Promise Book." I couldn't help but to smile. My son has sincerely taken interest in God- he believes he hears from Him- and that is the best feeling in the world.

Since I couldn't find a  book, I pulled up the scripture on the computer. And we all came together- including Logan and repeated the prayer. "Dear God. I need you. I am humbly calling out to you. I'm tired of doing things my way. Help me to start doing things your way. I invite you into my life to be my Lord and Savior. Fill the emptiness in me with your Holy Spirit and make me whole. Lord, help me to trust you, help me to love you, help me to life for you, help me to understand Your Grace, your Mercy, and Your Peace. Thank You Lord. Amen."

I looked at Harper and congratulated him. "So now Jesus lives inside of you. He'll never leave. Even when you make mistakes-"

"-He still loves me." He finished.

This was honestly one of the best mornings of my life. Although I am a firm believer in attending church- an didn't today for personal reasons- my son accepting the Lord into His life right here at home is just an example of how good God is. And how much He loves us. He will find us where we are. I didn't pick that TV show for Harper this morning. As a matter of fact- he asked for help- and I told him to figure the TV out on his own. And of all things, he picked a show that led him to salvation. God is so good.


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